USDA And FDA Food Manufacturer, Well Known Large Customers

Price: $950,000
Annual Revenue: $936,787 Net Cash Flow: $325,008
Manufacturing Middlesex County, Massachusetts
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This business makes specialty food items that get distributed to customers for retail sale across New England. Their customers are large chains with multiple locations across the region. They are USDA regulated and inspected as well as FDA certified. Their foods include popular items that are ordered and restocked on their customer’s “hot bars” and “grab and go” counters. They have recently invested in new machinery that will enable greater efficiency to produce more volume with less labor.

Listing Details

Reason For Sale: Moving out of state.

Training & Support: The seller will help the buyer to ensure a smooth transition.


Year Established: 2012


Square Footage: 12,000

Facilities Information: 12,000 sq ft of space includes space for manufacturing and offices.

Additional Information


They prepare specialty items that don’t have too much competition. The market for these products is vast.

Potential Growth:

They are growing their relationships with their existing customers by introducing new products. There is unlimited growth potential with other grocery chains.

Contact Us About This Listing
Lincoln Taylor Synergy Business Brokers

Lincoln Taylor Vice President, M&A

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