Established Medical Practice With Strong Cash Flow

Price: $950,000
Annual Revenue: $963,000 Net Cash Flow: $535,000
Health Care Oakland County, Michigan
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Very well-established and well managed primary care and preventive health care practice operating in the same location for 35 years with approximately 7,900 patient visits per year.

Located within a 5-mile radius of five large hospital system locations.

This practice serves area communities with a personalized approach and mostly serves adults between 18 and 70 years of age (no pediatrics or obstetrics).

Insurance payor distribution among patients: Medicare Part B (28.7%), Commercial Insurance (14.3%), BCBS (52.9%), HMO (2.7%), and Medicaid (1.0%).

Many growth opportunities exist since this practice only accepts new patients through referrals. Opening up satellite locations within 90 miles of the current location would help the practice grow quickly.

Six employees will stay on, and the building is leased. – Seller will stay on for a reasonable transition period as well.

Listing Details

Reason For Sale: Retirement


Facilities Information: Very nicely updated medical practice space with a renewable lease.

Additional Information


Very little competition since they service all communities in the area.

Potential Growth:

Would be easy to grow by adding marketing and possibly opening up satellite locations.

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