Behavioral Health and Medication Admin Practice – Has Accepted Offer

Price: $5,000,000
Annual Revenue: $4,950,000 Net Cash Flow: $1,200,000
Health Care Hartford County, Connecticut

This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Healthcare Companies for sale.

This company provides Mental Health Services – Therapy as well as Medication Administration to a select group of patients. Basic service areas include ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, LGBTQIA+, Mood Disorders, Personality Disorders, PTSD, Substance Abuse Disorders, Trauma.

Other Specialty Services are offered. The owner is selling due to other business interests – lack of time to devote to this business, ability to maintain and continue growing this business.

New Ownership Requirements: Connecticut requires this company to be owned by a licensed professional qualified in the medical field i.e. MD, APRN, NP. The business can be operated under a Management Agreement. The owner will remain active to offer an orderly transition.

Staff: The Staff consists of the Owner who holds the license in Connecticut. The balance of the staff consists of Professional Staff – MD, NP, PMHNP, Office Staff, Support Staff and Therapists. As of 12/2023 the total staff consists of approximately 60 W2 and 1099 Employees.

Growth/Expansion Opportunity: The new owner can expand the services offered geographically within the State of Connecticut. Current ownership has Opened 3 new office locations in CT in 2024.

Facilities: The business operates out of multiple medical office locations in the Western Part of Connecticut – All Facilities are Leased under favorable market rates. Leases can be extended under new ownership.


Contact Us About This Listing

Bo Prybyla Vice President, M&A

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