Orthopedic Practice established over 30 years

Price: $1,900,000
Annual Revenue: $4,318,191 Net Cash Flow: $578,813
Health Care Cook County, Illinois
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Well-established and nicely managed orthopedic practice operating in the same location for over 30 years.

Located in an easily accessible Chicago suburb, this practice treats various orthopedic conditions such as sprains, strains, fractures, and chronic conditions like arthritis and bursitis.

19 employees (5 providers) and a nicely updated 9,000 square foot leased office.

Most patients are from word-of-mouth and referrals, so marketing this practice will help grow it even more.

The seller will help the new owner to ensure a smooth transition and are open to staying on.

Listing Details

Reason For Sale: Retirement

Training & Support: Seller will stay on for a reasonable amount of time to ensure a smooth transition.


Employees: 19


Square Footage: 9000

Additional Information


This practice has a leg up on their competition since they have been so well known in the surrounding communities for over 30 years.

Potential Growth:

Most patients are onboarded through word-of-mouth and referrals so adding a marketing campaign would grow this practice quickly.

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