Established and highly reputable, this child and family therapy practice has served the community for over 15 years, providing compassionate and effective counseling services for children, adolescents, and families. With a strong referral network and a dedicated team of licensed therapists, this practice is positioned for continued growth. With a solid foundation, a loyal client base, and a respected name in the community, this is a turnkey opportunity for a licensed therapist or group looking to expand.
The transaction is SBA eligible.
Reason For Sale: Retirement
Training & Support: Seller will provide support to new ownership during transition
Employees: 7
Facilities Information: Operations have been fully remote since March 2020.
Property where business was previously operated is owned by the seller through a separate real estate entity. Property is also available for sale
Brand recognition throughout the area, “human first” approach, and very profitable referral network.
Potential Growth:
Practice can easily grow in Washington with new energy. Unlike other states, Washington allows telehealth services.