Metals Recycling Business for Sale

Price: $3,500,000
Annual Revenue: $20,387,218 Net Cash Flow: $1,095,679

Established in the 1940s, this business is a leader in the market for recycling, specializing in non-ferrous metals like copper, aluminum, brass, and stainless steel. It has unique expertise in recovering copper from insulated wire and also offers dumpster/container services through its affiliate company, which is included in the sale.

Located near a major metropolitan area and close to highways, the company is poised for the right buyer to expand its services. The company’s clients include contractors, electricians, demolition firms, and smaller scrap processors. The sale includes inventory averaging $2M in value and equipment with an estimated replacement value of $2.5M. It excludes real estate/buildings valued at over $3M (which can be purchased separately).

Business Highlights:

  • The business has a strong team with an excellent regional reputation.
  • Profitable, with solid cash flow and the ability to expand services and regions.
  • The owners are willing to remain through the transition period and thereafter.
  • Well-maintained equipment with high replacement value.

Further details of the business will be revealed only to those buyer prospects whom the broker has screened.

Listing Details

FFE: $2,500,000(Included in Price)

Inventory: $2,000,000(Included in Price)


Employees: There are (20) employees, excluding the (3) operating owners who work full-time.


Facilities Information: The business operates on a 2-acre site with multiple warehouses and office space.

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