Has your morning routine started to feel monotonous? Are your Sundays spent worrying about tomorrow’s problems? Are you ready for a new chapter? Synergy Business Brokers can help you explore new options for your successful English business and ease you into this new stage of life. Selling your business can be challenging; let us help you find a good home for your baby.
Synergy has been in business for over 20 years, finding buyers for companies just like yours. We have built up an effective search engine presence across all major sites (Google, Bing, and Yahoo) and can give you the best shot at finding the right prospect for your business. We provide you with all our services at no fee until your business is sold. All we ask is for your time and patience. Because of this, we must ensure that your England-based company is the right fit for our buyer pool. We only list profitable companies with annual revenues of £500,000 to £50 million.
Although you may feel inclined to hire a local business broker in England, this decision could limit you and your options for sale. Synergy is a globally recognized brand with brokers located worldwide and can give you the resources needed to find a buyer regardless of their location. We have an exclusive email list of over 40,000 potential buyers and a robust search engine optimization presence, which gives us the upper hand on local England business brokers. We sometimes have hundreds of buyers expressing interest in a business. Our main goal is to round up multiple offers and drive up the value of the business.
We can help you sell your company no matter where you are located in England. Synergy helps find buyers for London-based businesses, Birhmam companies, Manchester-based companies, Liverpool-based businesses, and any other city or town in the UK or Europe.
We sell businesses in England in Technology, Healthcare, Services, Wholesale/Distribution, Manufacturing, Construction, and Transportation. To learn whether Synergy Business Brokers is the right choice for you, email [email protected] or fill out our contact form.