Below you will find our businesses for sale in Mississippi. Be sure to view our businesses for sale in the southeast and our full list of businesses for sale. Some of our businesses for sale can be moved to Mississippi or operated remotely so don’t miss out on these qualified businesses for sale.
Tremendous opportunity to acquire a growing transportation business. This highly regarded leading transportation business was founded by the current owner in 1997 and specializes in hauling a diversified portfolio of Construction Aggregates and O&G products.
The company operates from a business-owned terminal (3 3⁄4 acres), housing a newly constructed heavy vehicle maintenance facility (9300 sq.).
The business has grown from $4.1m in 2020 to $5.3m in 2024.
30-plus year established RV Dealer sells and services a variety of makes and models of Recreational Vehicles and Campers. This Dealer offers a full range of repair services, including mechanical, roof work, and collision. Price includes Inventory and Real Estate. The inventory is valued at $1,250,000.
This business has been sold. Please contact us to sell your manufacturing business in Mississippi or anywhere else in the US. If you are interested in buying a manufacturing business, please view our manufacturing companies for sale.
The world’s premium Pool and Billiard Cue manufacturer has grown by 46% in the last few years. Continued rapid growth is expected to move forward with its expansion of dealer networks throughout the world.
The product manufacturing line includes a full range of premium Pool and Billiard Cues serving amateur and professional players alike throughout the world.
This is a rare opportunity to purchase a globally recognized brand with a backlog of orders.
The Seller will stay on through the transition and as a company spokesperson indefinitely.
The real estate is 2 Acres plus a manufacturing facility which can be purchased for an additional $650,000.
Looking to purchase an existing Mississippi business? We have a wide variety of businesses for sale in Mississippi.
Synergy Business Brokers has an award-winning team of mergers and acquisition brokers who are experienced selling businesses for sale throughout the United States. We have handled the sale of companies in a variety of industries. A few of these MS industries include:
If you are looking to sell your Mississippi business, and getting it listed with our Mississippi businesses for sale, contact us today.