Are you considering selling your chemical company? If so, we have potential buyers interested in purchasing chemical companies. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to prepare properly and have the right procedure for selling your chemical manufacturing or distribution company. It’s best to have someone who has sold chemical manufacturers and distributors before to guide you through the process.
Synergy Business Brokers has experience selling chemical companies. We can help you answer questions such as: How much is my chemical company worth? How do I market it to reach the right potential buyers? How do I keep my employees and customers from finding out?
Synergy Business Brokers has sold multiple chemical companies. As a result, we have potential buyers for a wide variety of chemical companies, including Chemical Importers, Cleaning Chemicals, Minerals, Environmental Chemicals, Water Treatment, Industrial Chemicals, Life Sciences, Adhesives, and Specialty Chemicals. We also have potential buyers for Chemical Manufacturing Companies.
Our potential buyers range from other large Chemical Companies, Private Equity Groups, Wealthy Individuals, and Domestic and International Companies.
The first step in the process is to have a confidential conversation with us to determine how we can best help you. Next, we’ll get an overview of your company and what your goals are. Then, to give you an idea of a possible price for your Chemical Distributor, we’ll review your financial information and take into account other desirable factors as well as challenges in your business.
If you decide to move forward with us, there is no fee until we sell your Chemical Company. We receive a commission based on the sale price, so we both have the same goal of selling your chemical business in a timely fashion at an excellent price.
We sell Chemical Manufacturing & Distribution Businesses with annual revenues of $700,000 – $70 Million+ and have a database of over 40,000 potential buyers. We will develop an overview of your business and require buyers to sign a confidentiality agreement before releasing your business’s identity. In addition to marketing the summary to our potential buyers, we’ll advertise on the internet with some of the sites we use, getting over 1 Million monthly users. We also use social media and artificial intelligence to drive potential buyers to our website.
We will customize a plan if you have potential buyers you don’t want us to contact. Generally, we’re able to introduce a qualified potential buyer within one week to 8 weeks. It usually takes one to six buyers that we present to sell your chemical company. The business sale process often is 6 to 9 months from start to finish. But in some cases, we’ve sold businesses in a couple of months if everything goes smoothly. The company needs to be appropriately priced to have a timely sale. We usually get multiple offers that provide us with leverage to negotiate the best price for your chemical distribution business.
The chemical industry is a vital part of the economy and is expected to continue to grow in the future. As a result, there will always be opportunities for mergers and acquisitions in the chemical industry. We have potential buyers for companies that supply chemicals to industries that include: Cleaning, Energy, Landscaping, Environmental Services, Industrial, Cosmetics, Construction, and more. You can take advantage of Synergy Business Brokers’ valuable experience in the industry to find the right buyer for your company. We have experience selling a number of types of chemical companies, including:
Contact us for your confidential consultation to sell your chemical company. We’ll find out about the unique attributes of your chemical company and let you know if we can meet your expectations on the price for your company. We have locations in NJ, CT, PA, NY, LA, MA, FL, IL, and TX, and we sell chemical companies throughout the US. So please fill out the form on this page or email us at [email protected], or give us a call at 888-750-5950 and we’ll set up a private consultation to get things started.