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Sell your Home Heating Oil Business

How To Sell Your Home Heating Oil Business

sell my home heating oil business

Over 5.5 Million homes use residential heating oil, and over 80% of these are located in the Northeast. If you are considering selling your home heating oil company, there are plenty of potential buyers for your business.

But what's the best way to maximize the sale price of your residential heating oil company while keeping the sale confidential?

Synergy Business Brokers can Maximize your Price

The best way to maximize the sale price of your residential heating oil company is to have multiple buyers. On average, we introduce 2 to 6 potential buyers in the process of selling your business.

But before we provide any information on your business, we require all potential buyers to sign a confidentiality agreement and provide information on their qualifications. This way, we can weed out the tire kickers. We have a database of over 28,000 potential buyers, and we'll need to narrow down the buyers that are the right fit for your company.

Home Heating Oil Mergers & Acquisitions

New York is the number one state for home heating oil customers. This is followed by Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. These are the states where most of the activity is in residential heating oil mergers & acquisitions. Synergy Business Brokers has senior M&A Brokers in all of these states who can meet with you to go over the details of your business and develop a strategy to maximize your sale price.

We'll review your financial information and provide you with a recommended asking price. You don't want to leave money on the table, but you also don't want to price yourself out of the market either. We'll compare your business to other similar companies to provide you with a recommendation.

Most new homes are built with electric or gas heat. However, it's expensive for home heating oil customers to convert to these other heating systems. Also, fuel and oil prices fluctuate, so this uncertainty is another reason why home heating oil users don't typically switch over to gas or electric.

Selling Profitable Home Heating Companies

The reason that profitable home heating oil companies are attractive to potential acquirers is that they have monthly recurring revenue. The companies that have high customer retention rates over many years are that much more desirable.

We sell profitable home heating oil companies that have annual revenues of $700,000 to $50,000,000, so hopefully, your company falls within this range. If it does, we would have plenty of potential buyers. We have potential buyers for different types of home heating oil, including Kerosene, Propane, and heating oil companies that supply grades of 1, 2, 6, and mixtures of different grades.

Our potential buyers include:

  • Private Equity Groups
  • Home Heating Oil Companies
  • Energy Industry Companies
  • Wealthy Investors
  • Home Services Companies
  • Companies that want to diversify

Contact Synergy Business Brokers To Sell Your Home Heating Oil Business

For your confidential consultation, please provide your contact info or call (888) 750-5950.

Contact Us

  • Please provide some information on the business you would like to sell. We sell profitable companies with annual revenue of $700,000 to $70 Million+.*

  • One of our experts will reach out within 1 business day to set up a consultation.

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