Selling a Closet & Storage Business

ell my closet and storage business

There are different types of closet and storage businesses. You may be considering selling a closet and storage manufacturing business or perhaps an installation or design business. Or you may be interested in selling a Self Storage company or custom closet company. Synergy Business Brokers sells closet and storage businesses that have a net income (including owner’s salary) of $200,000 to $5 Million.  We have potential buyers for a variety of profitable closet and storage companies throughout the US.

Award Winning Business Brokers with experience selling Closet & Storage Companies

We offer a confidential consultation to understand your business and how we can help you to achieve your goals.  We can provide you with a potential asking price and there is no fee until your business is sold. We provide a comprehensive marketing plan that combines the best practices of an M&A firm and Business Brokerage. Our potential buyers include construction and contractor businesses as well as manufacturers, distributors, private equity groups, and wealthy entrepreneurs.  We’ve been selling businesses since 2002 and have a database of 40,000 potential buyers. A big part of our job is narrowing down the potential buyers to the ones that are the best fit. It’s usually someone that can leverage the products and services you provide to increase the profitability of your firm. They may have a complementary product line or possibly can expand the geography of the customers that you serve. It pays to keep an open mind because you’re never sure who the buyer is that will give you the best offer.  We’ll screen the potential buyers for their financial qualifications and background.

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Confidentially selling Closet Businesses

We don’t advertise the name or exact location of your business. Before we provide this information we’ll have potential buyers sign a confidentiality agreement. This is one of the advantages of having an experienced Business Broker on your side. You don’t want the word getting out to your employees, customers, competitors, and suppliers.  You need a third party to confidentially field all of the inquiries from potential buyers.

After a qualified buyer has reviewed the specifics on your business, if they are interested, the next step is typically to set up a meeting or phone call with you to answer questions and see if there is a good fit. If there is then the buyer may make an offer for your business. We get the most leverage when there are multiple offers so this is always our goal. We’ll negotiate the terms and conditions and try to work out something that satisfies both buyer and seller. Following this, there is due diligence, and finalizing a purchase agreement. We’ll work with you every step of the way to provide you with experienced guidance with no fee until your business is sold.


Contact Us

To take advantage of our confidential consultation, please fill out and submit this simple form online and we’ll be in touch shortly. If you prefer, email [email protected] or call 888-750-5950. We sell closet and storage businesses throughout the US.