If you are considering how to sell a test preparation business, it would be helpful to talk with someone that has experience selling test prep businesses. Synergy Business Brokers has this experience and offers a confidential consultation. There is no fee until your test prep business is sold.
If you own a test prep business with an annual net income (including the owner’s salary) of $250,000 to $6 Million, we can sell your test prep business. We’ll review your financial information and find out more details about your business and provide you with a potential asking price.
We’ll keep the sale of your business confidential so that your students, teachers, competitors, and employees won’t find out about a potential sale of your business. You don’t want this information getting out until things are finalized. That way, you can develop the strategy of transitioning the business to a new owner in an orderly and well-thought-out fashion. This will better enable the owner to continue with the success of the business.
We’ll prepare a confidential overview of the basics of what you do and an overview of your financial information and require potential buyers to sign confidentiality agreements and provide qualifying information before releasing the details about your business.
There are many different types of test preparation businesses. There is private tutoring, test prep books, courses, online instruction, study guides, coaching, job training, and businesses that combine different test preparation types.
There are different tests to prepare for, including licensing courses, SAT, PSAT, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, ACT, K-12, and more. We can help you sell any of these types of profitable businesses, so whether your business is training for licensing for driving, bartending, court reporting, law, healthcare, technology, business, or any other specialty, we can sell this type of training business.
Our job is to match up the right buyer with the right seller, whether you have a high-quality tutoring service for high school standardized tests, or you have a live online tutoring business to help with college admissions and test scores. Buyers are looking for testing companies with great business models and effective management systems.
We have an extensive database of potential buyers interested in buying profitable test prep businesses. We also spend more than most Business Brokers and M&A firms to advertise our businesses for sale and drive potential buyers to our website and other business for sale websites.
If you would like to find out more about selling your business, please fill out our seller registration or email [email protected]. We have award-winning business brokers that can meet with you in TX, LA, NJ, NY, CT, MA, PA, and we sell educational businesses throughout the US and selectively overseas. To view some of our Senior Brokers and clients, you can visit our Overview Video.