Are you considering whether to sell your expense reduction consulting company? Or perhaps you would like to sell a rebate and refund credit business. Synergy Business Brokers has experience selling companies that specialize in providing credits, refunds, grants, and cost reduction services for their clients.
We have a 15 step process designed to sell your expense reduction business for the maximum price, efficiently and confidentially. We have sold credit consulting companies that have clients in manufacturing, life sciences, biotechnology, retail, fortune 500 companies, and more. Most of these companies work on a contingency basis and their services are in demand.
If you own a profitable refund and credit consulting company, we can locate the right buyers for you, negotiate a great price, and help you structure a transition so that the business is successful without you.
The first step is a confidential consultation. We’ll find out more about your business, such as:
The best way to maximize the selling price of your cost reduction or tax incentive advisory firm is to have multiple buyers competing for your firm. So whether you own a company that reduces supply chain expenses or specializes in grant applications, that’s where Synergy Business Brokers comes in. We have a comprehensive marketing program that utilizes state-of-the-art Search Engine Marketing and advertising on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, BizBuySell, and more. We also have a proprietary buyer database of over 40,000. Rest assured, we won’t advertise the name of your business or specific location and will require all prospective buyers to sign a confidentiality agreement before providing them with your business’s identity.
We look for the right buyers who understand what it is you offer, whether that is expertise in supply chain cost reduction, product and service rebates, or specific cost reduction consultant’s expertise. The buyer could be a private equity group, a private or public company, or a wealthy entrepreneur who is looking for a cost reduction management consultancy that offers a long-term profitable return on investment. What is attractive about a cost reduction strategy business is that it tends to do well in good times and bad, as businesses can always benefit from reduced costs. And many of them have recurring revenues from their contingency pricing model.
Multiple agencies have rated Synergy Business Brokers as a top business broker nationwide. We specialize in selling expense-reduction companies with annual revenues of $700,000 to $250 Million. Contact us today for a confidential consultation. There is no fee until your business is sold.