Aerospace: French AOC and Commercial License – Has Accepted Offer

Price: $1,224,330
Transportation France, Europe

This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Transportation Companies for sale.

Business Highlights: Owner is selling due to financial restructuring in related businesses. The intention is to sell the business at NAV which includes the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and license(s), and the equity in the aircraft that it currently has. The sale would also include the responsible officers tethered to the AOC and licensing agreements as well as the regulatory requirements for the continuation thereof.

Current Business: The current business generates revenue but is not profitable. The intention is to sell the business at NAV assuming that there is no equity value in the revenue generating portion of the business.

Opportunity: Buyers would ultimately be interested in purchasing the business in order to short-cut the process of acquiring an AOC and license to operate commercial aircraft in France and Europe more broadly.

Financing: TBD

Listing Details

Reason For Sale: Financial Reorganization

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Jonathan James Synergy Business Brokers Canada

Jonathan James Senior M&A Broker

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