IT Services and Consulting Firm – Sold

Price: $1,100,000
Annual Revenue: $1,218,000 Net Cash Flow: $304,970
Technology Central, New York

The company has been sold. Please view our other technology businesses for sale.

Distinguished computer services and consulting firm is well known in their region and has received multiple awards for excellence. With a headquarters in Central New York in the Northern Appalachian Region, the company also has a presence in Florida. Founded over 30 years ago, the company has built a solid reputation while expanding its services to meet demand.

  • Computer equipment sales and service
  • Computer networking services
  • Security – risk management and compliance services
  • Server management
  • Data backup and recovery
  • 24/7 IT support services
  • Website design, hosting, maintenance, SEO

The company enjoys a loyal customer base and offers comprehensive and customized solutions to primarily small and medium-sized businesses. The company is open to the public, offering personal computing services as well.

In addition, the Company has expertise in security compliance programs. Security regulations and guidelines are required of many businesses and organizations in order to protect confidential information, and avoid data breaches and ransomware. The company offers assessments and training services to ensure procedures and policies are in place to identify and prevent security threats.

Building SF: 4,000

Employees: 6

Competition: New owners could choose to capitalize on the growing trend of companies outsourcing their IT services while also paying higher premiums for solutions and quality.

Growth & Expansion:

  • Companies that outsource their technology support tend to depend on a single vendor for multiple needs. The potential to offer numerous services to new and existing customers signals significant growth opportunities.
  • Expand managed services into other verticals.
  • Build the existing sales and service team.
  • The growth of emerging technologies also offers new opportunities.

As IT skill shortage intensifies in the marketplace, the demand for IT services will grow.

Support & Training: The two owners’ level of involvement during the transfer of ownership will be entirely dependent on the new owner’s experience in the industry. Owners are willing to negotiate details to ensure a smooth transition.

If you would like to sell your IT Services business in New York or any other area please contact us.

Listing Details

FFE: $100,000(Included in Price)

Contact Us About This Listing

Michael Farruggia Senior M&A Broker

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