Packaging Machine Manufacturer – Sold
Price: $2,200,000
Annual Revenue: $2,800,000
Net Cash Flow: $927,000
Industry: Manufacturing
Location: Union County, New Jersey
This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale.
The company is a fast-growing, leading manufacturer of highly affordable packaging machines suitable for small-scale production of pharmaceutical, medical marijuana, food, chemical testing, health and beauty aid products as well as for R&D and clinical applications.
The Company specializes in unit-dose packaging and unit-of-use applications in various formats and offers versatile and creative solutions to its customers. The Company addresses the need to deliver shorter production runs demanded by many of its customers by offering smaller and more nimble modular designed machines which are highly reliable, efficient, quiet, and flexible to set up and run with quick-change tooling.
Business Highlights:
• Well-established business with a strong reputation, long-term customers, and recurring revenues
• Simple, modular designed products that are flexible, customizable, reliable, and very affordable
• The company enjoys a leadership position in its markets and a business that is highly scalable
• Focused on high-growth and diverse industries driven by strong demand
• Technically proficient and loyal staff that can address customer needs quickly and effectively
• Relatively small size makes the business nimble and provides a competitive advantage vs. peers
• Low fixed costs produce superior operating margins
• Minimal marketing costs due to significant repeat and referral business
The seller is willing to stay on to help run the business long-term or for a transitionary period, depending on what the buyer desires.
Growth and Expansion Opportunities
Tremendous opportunities exist to grow the business. It is estimated that the business can grow 3x-4x by holding more inventory, which would decrease production time and increase orders from customers who require quick turnaround and delivery. Additional opportunities for growth include staff expansion, attending and participating in more trade shows, conducting targeted online and offline advertising and marketing campaigns, developing a professional website, and constructing a more formal showroom to elegantly display the company’s impressive product line.
Contact us to help sell your manufacturing business in New Jersey and beyond.