Electronic Assembly Design Manufacturer – Sold

Price: $750,000
Annual Revenue: $2,248,401
Manufacturing Central, Connecticut

This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale. ISO9001 Electronic Manufacturing Facility with dedicated clients and proprietary products. Company consists of two divisions; Engineering and Manufacturing. Engineering department designs, tests, and develop specific products consisting of PCB boards and Electronic assemblies for specific customer applications. Manufacturing Facility manufactures the designed customer specific product for the client. At present the company serves approximately 20 clients. Facility is currently operating at about 40-50% capacity. Total Staff is about 15 employees.

Real Estate: Manufacturing facility is leased, approximately 13,000 sq. ft. at $5500 a month NNN. The engineering lab and main office is owner occupied. Building is approximately 7,000 sq ft and the lab and office space utilizes approximately 3,500 sq. ft. Building valued at $500,000 and is possibly available for sale.

Growth/Expansion Opportunity: At present the owner has chosen on maintaining the business in a passive manner. Outside sales, attending trade shows, new web site, and targeted advertising could grow the business to prior levels.

Equipment/Inventory : Equipment has a fair market liquidated sale valuation of about $350,000; Inventory is about $400,000

Reason for Sale: Seller Retirement – age – no family members to take over the business

Asking Price Includes inventory of $400k minimum, Equipment valued at $350,000, All other assets of the business. Real Estate is additional.

Transition: Ideal individual will have an engineering/manufacturing background. Owner will remain for extended period of time to ensure smooth transition.

Established more than 25 years

Contact us to help sell your manufacturing business in Connecticut.

Listing Details

FFE: $350,000(Included in Price)

Inventory: $400,000(Included in Price)

Contact Us About This Listing

Bo Prybyla Vice President, M&A

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