Job Applicant Testing Service for Police and Fire Departments – Has Accepted Offer
Price: $695,000
Annual Revenue: $831,000
Net Cash Flow: $175,000
Industry: Services
Location: Cook County, Illinois
This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Services Companies for sale.
This reputable Illinois testing service has been in business for more than 30 years and is the main testing service for most police and fire departments within a 90-mile radius.
Testing includes reviewing and processing internet applications, polygraph examinations, evaluations & assessments, and pre-employment psychological exams.
The new owner can easily market to additional police and fire departments in surrounding IL communities. Currently, all business is from word-of-mouth with no marketing.
Listing Details
Reason For Sale:
The owner is retiring.
Training & Support:
The seller is retiring and will stay on for a reasonable amount of time to allow for a smooth transition. The existing 38 employees will continue their roles, ensuring operational continuity.
Year Established: 1988
Employees: 38
Square Footage: 3,500
Facilities Information:
Approximately 3,500 s.f. is leased.
Very little competition since they are the largest testing service in the area and area very well known.
Potential Growth:
The new owner can easily market to additional police and fire departments in surrounding IL communities. Currently, all business is from word-of-mouth with no marketing.