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Large Client Base
For over 35 years this business has been providing homeowners and businesses with solutions to common water usage problems. They have over 10,000 active clients in their database. They help customers solve water issues including hard water, taste or odor issues, chlorine levels, low PH, bacteria & viruses, iron staining, radon, arsenic & PFAS. They have a long standing partnership with the leading manufacturer of high quality water treatment products with whom they have exclusive distribution rights in MA & RI. Revenue comes from product sales, installation labor, recurring service on proprietary products, and bottle-less water cooler leases & recurring renewals. The products are installed by the company’s on-staff licensed plumbers.
FFE: $250,000(Included in Price)
Inventory: $100,000(Included in Price)
Reason For Sale: Retirement Planning
Training & Support: The seller is willing to work for the company post-sale if the buyer would like. If not, he will provide a transition to ensure the company’s continued success.
Monthly Rent: 5000
Square Footage: 3,000
Facilities Information: The building is leased and is approximately 3,000 sq. ft. which includes multiple offices, warehouse and storage space, and a service area. It is conveniently located to serve their MA & RI clients.
Potential Growth:
With MA & RI territories, there are tremendous growth opportunities to continue to develop new customers. In addition,their database of 10,000 active customers presents ongoing service opportunities as well as potential customers for other home service projects that could be presented to them.