Medical Practice With Strong Cash Flow

Price: $1,050,000
Annual Revenue: $1,731,000 Net Cash Flow: $518,000
Health Care Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
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Established and well managed healthcare practice with 14 employees (including 4 providers).

This practice serves several area communities and is located in a well populated, growing area with very little competition.

Extensive growth opportunities since all patients currently come from word-of-mouth referrals. Updating their website and marketing the practice will help grow it quickly.

13 employees will stay on. The 6,900 square feet of office space is leased and easily transferable to the new owner.

Seller will stay on for a reasonable amount of time to ensure a smooth transition.

Listing Details

Reason For Sale: Retirement

Training & Support: The seller will stay on for a reasonable amount of time to ensure a smooth transition.


Employees: 14


Monthly Rent: 3,333

Square Footage: 6900

Facilities Information: Very spacious building with a great landlord and extra units available if the new owner expands the practice.

Additional Information


Very little competition since this practice has the most providers (4) in the area and has an excellent reputation.

Potential Growth:

A new owner can grow this practice quickly by updating the website and implementing a marketing campaign.

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