This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Construction Companies for sale.
Established over 35 years ago, this firm specializes in supporting local utility companies with the drilling and setting of utility poles, conduit piping, and fiber optic cable. With virtually no competition and expertise in its niche, the company has earned its status as an industry leader.
Indeed, ownership’s commitment to providing timely, efficient completion of all projects has been rewarded with the company’s “favored son” treatment in awarding new jobs. Further, management cites their staff’s core competencies and substantial equipment complement as significant barriers to entry for new competitors thus resulting in a virtual monopoly in picking up new work.
Evidenced by the firm’s consistent margins and topline growth of a combined 60% over the last two years, this is a legacy turnkey offering with multiple scaling strategies, including geographical expansion, the introduction of additional services, and investment in human capital.
A well-appointed facility and yard to store its expansive assets including excavators, trucks and other equipment as well as a loyal, motivated staff and owners willing to stay on to ease transition completes this outstanding offering.
Real Estate: $3,000,000(Included in Price)