This business has been sold. Please view our other Transportation Companies for sale and contact us if you would like to sell your trucking company.
Very well-managed Midwest transportation business that transports dry products for a variety of industries.
Turnkey with 6 employees and 24 owner/operator drivers. This is a home-based business.
The owner is not involved anymore and has a manager running the business. Owner has also incorporated the latest (and best) software and systems to keep the business running efficiently.
Seller will work with new owner for a reasonable amount of time to ensure a smooth transition.
Reason For Sale: To pursue a different career path.
Training & Support: Seller will work with new owner for a reasonable amount of time to ensure a smooth transition.
Employees: 6
Facilities Information: One small Chicago office, however, most everyone works remotely. -- There are also a number of truck parking spaces rented on a monthly basis in various areas. (Home Based)
The logistics industry is picking up while some competitors closed their doors because of the recent downturn.
Potential Growth:
A new owner simply focusing on marketing can easily grow this business by 20% in the first year of ownership.