Over time, owning and operating a successful business can be taxing, so much so that you might start thinking about changing your lifestyle. Unfortunately, selling a semiconductor business isn’t as easy as snapping your fingers; it can be an intense process if you don’t have the right tools. Thankfully, Synergy Business Brokers has the toolbox to accommodate your needs. It’s our mission to make the process as painless as possible.
Synergy Business Brokers can give you a free, confidential consultation with the click of a button. We have over 20 years of experience in marketing and selling companies and can give you a proper valuation on your semiconductor fabrication company. We only sell companies that generate $250,000 to $30 Million in net cash flow, but if you qualify, we would be happy to start marketing your semiconductor design firm today! When evaluating your company, it’s essential that we understand all of the little things that make your company unique. We look at the last three years’ tax returns, profit and loss statements, and year-to-date financials. Once we know that your company is headed in the right direction, we can look at the intangibles. This consists of the owner’s involvement, a diverse portfolio of clients and customer bases, and a trustworthy and skilled staff. All of these combine to create a pretty picture for potential buyers.
Once a listing price is agreed upon, we can market your semiconductor development business. We compile all of the essential but nonspecific details on your company to create a confidential information memorandum. We don’t share these specifics until a potential buyer has signed an NDA and undergone a background check. We aim to get you multiple offers on the table so you can negotiate from the high ground and get the best price we can get. These prospects can come from various avenues, including venture capital, expanding chip manufacturing businesses, and wealthy individuals looking to dip their toes into an expanding tech industry.
In 2021, global semiconductor sales rose to over 1 trillion, with total global sales being $555.9 billion. With only growth on the horizon, the industry is projected to be worth $726.73 billion by 2027. The market has so many little pockets, like transistor distribution and integrated circuit design, making the opportunity for growth and expansion much more appealing to potential buyers.