Confidential Seller Registration

Are you considering selling a business that has annual revenues of $700,000 to $250Million? Please complete our Seller Registration form below for a confidential consultation. We have experience selling companies in construction, distribution, manufacturing, healthcare, services, technology, and transportation.

  • Note: We sell Business with revenues of $700,000 to $250 Million+.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Start the Process of Selling your Business

If you’re ready to retire from your business or have some other reason for selling a business, you’re probably wondering how to sell your company. If you’ve been saying, “I want to sell my business,” for a while but haven’t been sure how to start, here are some steps to consider when selling a business.

Advantages of Hiring a Business Broker

Hiring a business broker can have many advantages. A good business broker can provide you with a reasonable asking price for your business, so that you won’t have to hire an expensive business valuation advisor who may be dealing with more theory than the actual market of buyers and sellers. You won’t have to spend countless hours trying to figure out ways to attract buyers because your business broker will know which buyers will be interested in your business, where to find them, and how to appeal to them.

If you’re trying to sell your business, the merger and acquisitions company to contact is Synergy Business Brokers. We have over 20 years of experience selling businesses. We can advise you on how best to position your business, help you come up with a sale price, and connect you with motivated buyers. All you have to do is get in touch.


Gather your Financial Information

When you’re trying to sell your business quickly and efficiently, transparency is key. Potential investors want to see clear, clean books that give them confidence the company is strong and that there are no soft spots that they are going to discover later after the deal is done. You can build trust and project transparency by having at your disposal and ready to present to potential buyers things like:

  • Federal income tax returns (at least three years’ worth)
  • Year to Date Profit and loss statement plus three years’ historical information
  • Lists of inventory, equipment, and other hard assets

If you don’t have one in-house, a qualified professional accountant can look through your books and identify any red flags before you sell your business. Luckily, our business brokers have the professional expertise to help you with your financial assets and ensure the selling process remains confidential and effective.


Figure Out How Much Your Business Is Worth

You can’t sell your business if you don’t know how much you should sell your business for. You may be able to sell your business quickly, but if you do it at well below market value, it’s probably not worth the time you’ve saved. A business broker can help you with this.

The conventional wisdom is that a small business is usually worth a multiple of its annual cash flow. Still, many other factors may be at play, such as your growth rate or being in an industry that is poised to accelerate. A smart plan is usually to get an expert third party like a business broker who knows how to evaluate businesses to do an independent, high-quality valuation of your business.