Digital marketing is great for attracting customers for your business, but did you know it can also help you find a buyer for your business? If you’re looking to sell your business to a suitable buyer, using digital marketing can help you accomplish that goal. You might have any number of reasons for wanting to sell your company, but likely, you want to sell it quickly for the most amount of money possible. Here’s how digital marketing can help you do just that.
Digital Marketing Helps You Tell Your Story
Great digital marketing campaigns tell a story about a business, not just advertise a product. With more and more choices becoming available every day, people can afford to be much more discerning with their money. It’s also very easy to get lost in the din of businesses competing for that money. One way you can set your business apart is with a great story.
This story includes items like:
- The reasons you started the company
- What problem your product is meant to solve
- The good things your company does for your community
- The great people working to make your business better
- A behind-the-scenes look at your operations
- Your vision and goals for your business
If you’re not ready to sell your business yet, you can use digital marketing to grow your business. Crafting a great story for potential customers lets them develop a relationship with your business instead of just giving them a place to spend a dollar. With a great story comes emotional investment, and emotions can help encourage a powerful bond between you and your company.
Digital marketing helps you convey that story very effectively. You can have multiple touchpoints with the market across social media platforms, digital ads, and other types of media. Consider, for instance, one of the many instantly recognizable logos around the world. Those logos are so ingrained in our consciousness that we associate a story with that logo. Your digital marketing strategy should strive to do that, too.
All of this applies to a potential buyer for your business as well. Buyers want to see the numbers to make sure it’s a good investment, of course, but your company’s story is a vital part of why they’ll end up buying it. Your story is probably compelling, but potential buyers will never even get the chance to judge for themselves through your marketing if you don’t communicate.
There are several online tools to get after your goal of telling a great story about your business. HubSpot, for instance, is a customer relationship management website that offers some free tools for marketing, and their blog gives tons of insight into crafting a compelling story. Visme is another resource that helps you build visually appealing infographics and presentations you can use in your marketing campaigns.
The Formula for a Great Story
Now you know why having a good story for your digital marketing is essential if you’re trying to be acquired, but how do you go about crafting that story? Luckily, many good business stories follow a pretty simple formula for success. This formula usually goes something like this:
- You encounter some particular problem.
- There was a “eureka” moment when you came up with a solution.
- You took steps to fix the problem.
- You’re able to take a mission statement away from that experience.
Crafting your story around these four key points and communicating them through your digital marketing is an excellent start to giving potential buyers a reason to buy your business. If your story excites you, there’s a good chance it will excite someone else, too. And getting someone excited is the first step towards selling your business.
Sell Your Business
Synergy Business Brokers has years of experience in selling businesses. If you would like a confidential consultation, please fill out our online form, and we’ll be in touch. Synergy Business Brokers have built up an expertise in Digital Marketing that we use to sell your business.