Collection Companies For Sale - View our Listings
If you would like to buy a collection agency, please view our collection Businesses for Sale below. We have previously sold collection companies and get paid by the seller when the collection business is sold. So there is no fee to the buyer for our services. You can also view all of our service businesses for sale.
All of our clients want to maintain the confidentiality of the sale of their business. We provide an overview of each collection company below. To get the specific details, please fill out our online NDA on the business that you are interested in. On the online NDA, we also request that you provide some information on your background and financial qualifications so that we make sure that you are qualified to purchase a specific collection business.
Annual Revenue: $5,500,000
Net Cash Flow: $1,300,000
This business has been sold. Please view our Collection Agencies for sale and other Services Companies for sale. If you are interested in selling a collection agency please contact us for a confidential consultation. Well-respected and professional, impact-oriented medical collection...
Collection Agency – Insurance Subrogation and Claims Processing Company – Sold
Long Island, New York
Annual Revenue: $6,000,000
Net Cash Flow: $1,300,000
The company has been sold. Contact us if you would like to sell your collection agency. This unique business has been growing at 25% each year and has limited competition & high barriers to entry. They provide national claims collection...
Annual Revenue: $600,000
Net Cash Flow: $300,000
The company has been sold; view our other real estate businesses for sale and contact us if you would like to sell your property management business. A well-established and reputable full-service residential property management firm in NYC. The company is...
This business has been sold, see all of our businesses for sale. The museum ranks among the top 10 out of all 348 museums in New York City. It has the largest collection in the world of its [confidential genre]...
If you need financing, we have relationships with banks and can introduce you to an SBA loan officer. Typically you need a 10% to 25% down payment to qualify for SBA financing to purchase a collection business. Also, banks want to see that you have good credit and some business and/or collection agency experience.
Buying a Collection Company
Buyers are interested in purchasing a variety of collection agencies including:
- Medical Collection Company
- Insurance Subrogation & Collections
- Small Busines Collections
- Residential Collections
- Debt Consolidation
- Third-Party collections
- Debt Buying Companies
- Credit Repair Agencies
- Credit Reporting Services
- Debt Collection Consulting
- Debt Counselling Services
Unfortunately, there will always be some people that are unable or unwilling to pay their debts. That is where debt collection agencies come in. Every business needs to have enough cash flow to pay its bills and earn a reasonable profit. Debt Collection Agencies allow businesses to get paid for their products and services. Those that can do so ethically and effectively will have demand for their services. And therefore, there will always be potential buyers for profitable collection agencies. Sometimes, these buyers are other collection agencies that want to grow through acquisition. In other cases, the buyers will be a private equity firm or wealthy individuals.
Synergy is the go-to M&A firm for buyers and sellers of Collection companies. Our job is to introduce the right buyers to acquire a specific Collection agency. Many of our potential buyers have acquired multiple collection companies and have particular things they are looking for in a possible acquisition. We'll work with the buyer and seller to understand whether there is a good fit in terms of expectations, pricing, and terms and conditions. If so, we'll work with you every step of the way.
If you want to sell a collection company, we offer a confidential consultation for profitable firms with annual revenue of $700,000 to $70 Million. There is no fee for our services until your collection company is sold, and we provide a confidential sales process.
Call today at (888) 750-5950 or fill out our contact form.