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Eco Friendly Products & Services Companies For Sale

If you would like to buy a company that supplies eco friendly products or services, please view our Businesses for Sale below. We have experience selling eco friendly companies and get paid by the seller when the business is sold. So there is no fee to the buyer for our services.

You can also view our environmental services companies for sale.

All of our clients want to maintain the confidentiality of the sale of their business.  We provide an overview of each eco friendly company below.  To get the specific details, please fill out our online NDA on the business that you are interested in. On the online NDA, we also request that you provide some information on your background and financial qualifications so that we can make sure that you are qualified to purchase a specific eco-friendly company.

TYPES OF eco-friendly products and services COMPANIES

We sell a variety of companies in this sector, including:

  • Eco-Friendly Products Manufacturers
  • Eco-Friendly Consumer Products
  • Environmental consulting companies
  • Environmentally Friendly Industrial Products
  • Eco-Friendly Products Distributors
  • Energy Reduction Consulting firms
  • Brownfield Remediation & Redevelopment
  • Alternative Energy Solutions
  • Wastewater consulting services
  • Solar Energy
  • Recycling
  • Materials Testing
  • Spill Remediation & Cleanup

M&A Firm for the Eco Friendly Products & Services Industry

The environmentally friendly industry continues to grow as demand for a multitude of different product and services increases. This makes the demand for profitable eco friendly companies high. However if its about matching up the right buyer with the right seller.

Synergy Business Brokers focuses on selling eco-friendly products and service companies with yearly net incomes of $250,000 to $20 Million. If you own an environmentally friendly company that you are considering selling, we offer a confidential consultation. There is no fee for our services until your company is sold, and we provide a confidential sales process.

Synergy Business Brokers has years of M&A experience in the sector. Call today at (888) 750-5950 or fill out our contact form.

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