Water Treatment Businesses For Sale
If you want to buy a Water Treatment business, please view our Companies for Sale below. We get paid by the seller when the business is sold. So there is no fee to the buyer for our services.
All of our clients want to maintain the confidentiality of the sale of their business. We provide an overview of each company below. To get the specific details, please fill out our online NDA on the business that you are interested in. On the online NDA, we also request that you provide some information on your background and financial qualifications so that we make sure that you are qualified to purchase a specific business.
Annual Revenue: $51,000,000
Net Cash Flow: $11,000,000
Based in the greater NYC area, this second-generation family-owned and operated company specializes in municipal sewer and watermain construction. The 30+ year-old business has benefited from ownership’s commitment to timely completion of its projects and selective bids primarily in the...
Annual Revenue: $2,517,640
Net Cash Flow: $646,135
This company has proudly served as a cornerstone in plumbing, land development, and septic system installation, with a commitment to excellence and a track record of success. A dedicated team comprising eight full-time plumbers, three part-time administrative staff, and two...
Annual Revenue: $1,842,849
Net Cash Flow: $496,653
This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Water Treatment Companies for sale. The company was established more than 10 years ago in DE by two industry veterans with 12 years of experience at a competitor. It specializes...
Water and Wastewater Treatment Heavy Construction Contractor – Has Accepted Offer
Dallas, Texas
Annual Revenue: $21,000,000
Net Cash Flow: $1,000,000
This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Construction Companies for sale. This well-established General Contractor is located in Dallas, Texas. The business specializes in a comprehensive range of services related to water and wastewater treatment solutions. It...
Annual Revenue: $27,000,000
Net Cash Flow: $5,600,000
This company has been sold. Please view our Manufacturing Businesses for sale and contact us if you are interested in selling a chemical company in Texas or any other part of the company. Chemical manufacturing, distribution, and repackaging company, both...
Groundwater Treatment Equipment Rental and Solutions Company – Sold
Jacksonville Area, Florida
Annual Revenue: $3,500,000
Net Cash Flow: $1,300,000
This business has been sold. Please view our other Water Treatment Companies for sale and other Services Companies for sale. If you are interested in selling your water treatment company or equipment rental business, please contact us for a confidential...
Annual Revenue: $3,103,983
Net Cash Flow: $384,800
This company has been sold. Please contact us to sell your environmental services company in Indiana or anywhere else in the US. If you are interested in buying an environmental services business please view our other construction businesses for sale....
Annual Revenue: $1,900,000
Net Cash Flow: $360,000
This company has been sold, view our other engineering business for sale. Engineering Company that provides services, products, and equipment to more than 400 customers and 2000 facilities. These range from manufacturing (heavy machinery, machine components, plastics, glass products, concrete...
Mergers & Acquisitions for Water Treatment Companies
We would have potential buyers for a variety of water treatment companies, including
- Waste Water Treatment facilities
- Water Treatment Services
- Environmental Service Companies
- Engineering Companies that specialize in water treatment
- Water Treatment Manufacturing Companies
- Water Treatment Construction Companies
- Water Treatment Product Distributors
- Residential Water Treatment Companies
- Commercial Water Treatment
You may also want to view our Environmental Services Firms and Recycling Companies for sale.
Buying or Selling a Water Treatment Business
We have a diverse group of buyers and sellers for Water Treatment companies. Our job is to introduce the right buyers to acquire a specific water treatment company. We'll work with the buyer and seller to understand whether there is a good fit in terms of expectations, pricing, and terms and conditions. If so, we'll work with you every step of the way.
If you want to sell a water treatment company, we offer a confidential consultation. There is no fee for our services until your company is sold, and we provide a confidential sales process.
Synergy Business Brokers has years of experience. Call today at (888) 750-5950 or fill out our contact form.