Sell Your Awards Engraving Business

Business Brokers for Custom Awards Companies

Are you considering selling your successful award engraving company but have no idea where to start? Don’t worry; tons of people have been in your shoes and were able to figure it out, thanks to Synergy Business Brokers’ award-winning team of experts. Having been established for 20 years, we have been around the block and can help you with any brokerage needs. We offer free, confidential consultations to anyone who qualifies, so don’t be afraid to call one of our brokers today!


Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

Synergy can give you the best chance for success in selling your business with little to no trouble. Using our experience, we can give you a valuation that maximizes the value of your business while still remaining attractive to potential buyers. We start the process with a phone call, in which we receive all of the nitty-gritty details surrounding the company’s success. These can be intangibles like the quality of employees, your involvement as the owner of the company, or the level of competition in your field. Once you have answered all of our preliminary questions, we need to look at the last three years’ tax returns and any financials that will give us an idea of the shape and trajectory of the trophy and award engraving business. We only list businesses with an annual net income of $250,000 or more, so if you qualify, we would love to learn more about how we can help.

Synergy uses search engine optimization on websites like Google, Yahoo, and Bing in order to boost the number of eyes on your business. We also have an email list of over 40,000 potential buyers looking to invest in a company like your award engraving business. Our buyers come in all shapes in sizes. Some are venture capitalists, some are wealthy individuals, and some may be plaque engraving companies that want to expand their market. Whatever mold fits your situation, we can find a way to get your business sold.

Our goal is to get your custom awards company as many bids as we can; that way, you can negotiate with an advantage. The more motivated you are to sell, the better. Buyers can sense when you are hesitant, so knowing what you want from the process is essential. The process usually takes anywhere from 6 to 12 months from listing to sale. This large margin accounts for the variability and unforeseen intangibles that may arise. We introduce potential buyers within the first couple of weeks of the listing.

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Is Now the Right Time to Sell?

With an estimated worth of $4 billion, the awards and recognition industry is more significant than most think. However, in recent years, the market has slowed in growth thanks to the dwindling economy. This may be the time to get out if you own a successful trophy or plaque engraving company before the timing may not be as good. We always recommend you sell your company on an upswing, as most potential buyers won’t even bat an eye at a sinking ship.

Synergy brokers understand that you might not be willing to be intimately involved in the sale process. We take that burden off your shoulders and let you focus on other aspects of your life. We do not get paid until the business is sold, and we maintain a high level of integrity throughout the process, always having your best interest at heart.


Contact Information

We handle award engraving businesses across the country and have award-winning business brokers that can meet with you in NJ, NY, CT, IL, MA, TX, PA, FL, LA, and more. Please fill out the form or email us at [email protected], and we’ll set up a private consultation to get things started.

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