M&A Broker to Sell your Telecom Company

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Are you trying to find the right M&A Broker to sell your Telecom company? If so, you probably want someone with experience selling telecom companies. This will give you access to potential buyers within the industry as well as related technology companies and private equity firms.

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Synergy Business Brokers has Experience Selling Companies in the Telecom Industry

The telecom industry is diverse. We have potential buyers for a variety of companies within the telecom industry, including:

We have over 27,000 potential buyers. Our job is matching up the right prospective buyers to the right company. We represent the business owners of telecom companies that are interested in selling their business. We work on a total commission-only basis. This allows us to be selective in only taking on companies that we are confident that we can sell.

Our potential buyers include other telecom companies, Software, and IT Services companies, private investors, private equity companies as well as companies from outside the telecom and tech industry. We sell telecom companies that have annual revenues of $700,000 to $50 Million. If you are interested in selling a telecom company this size, we offer a free, confidential consultation.


Sell your Telecommunication Company Confidentially

If you are considering selling your telecommunications business, confidentiality is usually a concern. We will require potential buyers to sign a confidentiality agreement and provide information on their qualifications before releasing the details of your business. To read more about this, you can view Protecting Confidentiality and our 15 step sales process. On average, it takes 6 to 10 months to sell a telecom company.

We offer a free evaluation where we’ll review your financial information and compare your company to what other similar telecommunications companies have sold for. Every business is unique, and you can read about some of the factors that go into Valuing a Telecom company.

M&A in the Telecom Industry

There are a lot of mergers and acquisitions in the telecom industry due to the fact that the sector is changing rapidly. To continue to expand, many companies are interested in acquiring profitable companies with good technology that they can leverage to increase the value of a combined firm. The sum is often greater than the parts because you can cross-sell each other customers with the unique products and services that the combined companies have after a merger or acquisition. Synergy Business Brokers will look for synergistic firms that would be good candidates to acquire your firm and can leverage what you have to offer.

Telecom Broker

Have an experienced telecom business broker guide you through the process of selling your telecom company. We know how to get M&A deals done. There are a lot of businesses for sale at any given time, so it’s important to have a full service M&A Broker that knows how to find the right business buyers, negotiate the buy and sell terms, and take your company for sale to a successful closing.

Fiber Optics in red, blue, and green colors.

Contact Us to Sell Your Telecom Company

For more information on how we can help sell your telecom company, please email us at [email protected] or fill out our Seller contact form. We’ll contact you for a private consultation. We have experienced M&A Brokers in NY, CT, MA, NJ, PA, and TX and sell telecom companies in most regions of the US.

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Two Business Owners meeting with Business Broker