Best Business Broker in Orlando, Florida

Sell Your Orlando Business With an Awarding Winning Broker

Are you looking for an experienced business broker in Orlando who can sell your company? Synergy Business Brokers is filled with a team of M&A experts with the knowledge and wherewithal to sell your business as painlessly as possible.

We offer a free, confidential consultation to our potential clients to gauge the field of chemistry between our camps. We provide you with a price estimate evaluation of your company so that you can decide if selling is something you want to pursue. The factors that go into the price of each company are different and can depend on many attributes outside of just the numbers. Synergy works with companies in varying net income brackets, ranging from $250,000 to $20 million. Depending on your assets, we can give you a number to work with, and if you like what you hear, we can get started finding you the right buyer.


Synergy has a database of over 40,000 buyers, some of whom are looking to acquire an Orlando-based business. However, finding the right buyer who can meet your demands and standards isn’t always easy. In the past, Synergy has found that selling a business takes between 6 to 12 months, but we can expedite that if the seller is fully committed to the process and prices the business aggressively. We provide you with a full-service brokerage experience and can give you whatever you need to succeed.

Fully Confidential Business Brokerage for Orlando, FL

Having worked with successful people for nearly 20 years, Synergy understands that keeping private information private is essential. That’s why we assure our clients that their confidentiality is important, as it is to all of our clients. We won’t divulge any of your information to potential buyers unless they provide their qualifications and sign an NDA. We specialize in selling companies in various industries like constructionhealthcaremanufacturing,  technologydistribution, etc. Our potential buyers are invested in finding the right fit for them amongst these industries, so we make sure to weed out those who aren’t interested in your Orlando business.

At Synergy, we advertise on prominent websites like Google, LinkedinBizbuysell, and Bing to spark the interest of engaged users. While we work on our end, you can work to strengthen the business relationships with your clients and suppliers. These relationships can be the backbone of a company and further increase the value of your Orlando-based business. Potential buyers will be glad to hear that the employees who stay will maintain the relationships that were forged while you were the owner.

Contact Synergy to Sell Your Orlando Business

If you are considering selling a business in Orlando, FL, please fill out our seller registration with a bit of information about your business and your situation so that we can get you started. Contact us, and we will get back to you to schedule a confidential consultation where we can talk about your goals and strategies when it comes to selling your business. You can also email our Orlando, Florida-based business broker, Ashish Bhatt, at [email protected] or call him at (407) 995-6496, and he will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Synergy Business Brokers in Florida
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