#1 Business Brokers for Albuquerque, NM

Do you own a business in Albuquerque, NM, that you are considering selling? If so, you may want to take advantage of our expertise. Synergy Business Brokers is rated as the #1 Business Broker in multiple categories.

We have a top business broker in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, who can discuss your needs and goals. Synergy Business Brokers sells companies with annual revenues of $700,000 to $250 Million in technology, distribution, construction, manufacturing, healthcare, and services.

If you have a company in the Albuquerque area that fits these criteria, we offer a free, confidential consultation. There is no fee unless we sell your business for a price you are satisfied with.


Sell your Albuquerque, NM business confidentially

We’ll sell your business for the maximum price and keep the sale confidential during the process. Our 15 Step Sales process has been refined for over 18 years. It takes advantage of our list of 40,000 potential buyers in our focus industries.

The process will weed out tire kickers and get you to the buyers who are most likely to purchase your business promptly. We also advertise confidentially on various websites such as WSJ, Inc, Bizbuysell, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and more.

Mergers & Acquisitions in Albuquerque, NM

We handle Mergers & Acquisitions throughout the Greater Albuquerque area, including the counties of Bernalillo, Torrance, Sandoval, and Valencia, and the cities of Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Belen, Moriarity, and more.

The Albuquerque Metro area is an attractive place for companies to do business with great weather, a relatively low cost of doing business, an educated workforce, and a ranking as one of America’s top 6 favorite cities to live in.

If we are assigned to sell your Albuquerque company, we have buyers who are ready and interested in acquiring profitable companies in Bernalillo County and the surrounding area.

Contact our New Mexico Business Broker

If you would like to speak with us about selling your business in or around Albuquerque, NM, please call Dewey Vaughn at (505) 355-2008 or schedule an appointment with us. To hear from some of our customers and employees, you can watch our video.

Contact Synergy Business Brokers in New Mexico
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