If you are looking for help selling a business in Columbus, Ohio, contact Synergy Business Brokers for the best service in the industry. We have the tools and experience to help you find buyers for your Columbus-based company and can do so with minimal involvement on your end. You have worked hard to preserve and grow your successful business, so ensure you are fully compensated for your efforts.
Synergy Business Brokers has a proven method for marketing your business. We start with a confidential phone call to review how we think we could help sell your Columbus business. We provide you with a potential listing price with no fee until your business is sold. We handle all marketing costs. Once we agree on a price, we draw up a comprehensive marketing plan highlighting your company’s best selling points. Having been in business for decades, Synergy has the experience to find the right buyer for your situation. With our highly-skilled and knowledgeable Brokers plus a database of over 40,000 potential buyers, your business will be in position to sell.
Buyers can come in all shapes and sizes, so it is essential that you are open and flexible when meeting with prospects. We have to narrow down the pool to the ones who are going to be a good fit. These could be private equity firms, wealthy individuals, or even existing competitors. We want to choose someone who can leverage the products and staff to increase the business’s profitability. We can sell Columbus businesses in:
We make sure to keep all of your sensitive information remains confidential. When marketing and selling your business on your own, you run the risk of your employees, customers, competitors, or suppliers getting wind of your intentions. This could throw a giant wrench in the process. Enlist an expert who can confidentially screen inquiries from prospects.
Our goal is to get you as many qualified prospects as we can to maximize the sale price. Having multiple offers on the table will allow you to negotiate from a place of advantage. We make sure not to give a buyer your information until they have signed an NDA and have been screened. After the initial screening, we present the prospect and if they align with what you are looking for, a meeting is arranged.
We sell Columbus, OH-based businesses to buyers nationwide and have award-winning business brokers ready to begin working with you. Please fill out the form on this page, and we’ll set up a private consultation to get things started.