Consumer Products Manufacturers For Sale
If you want to buy a consumer products manufacturing company, please view our Companies for Sale below. We get paid by the seller when the business is sold. So there is no fee to the buyer for our services.
All of our clients want to maintain the confidentiality of the sale of their business. We provide an overview of each company below. To get the specific details, please fill out our online NDA on the business that you are interested in. On the online NDA, we also request that you provide some information on your background and financial qualifications so that we make sure that you are qualified to purchase a specific business.
Annual Revenue: $2,050,516
Net Cash Flow: $466,117
Successful full-service scene shop with state-of-the-art wood, metal, and paint shops that offer the finest in quality craftsmanship in all areas of scenic art. Established over 35 years ago everyone in the business knows this firm. They run an extremely...
Fast Growing Manufacturing Business with Multi-Channel Distribution
Hillsborough County, New Hampshire
Annual Revenue: $5,464,196
Net Cash Flow: $1,095,831
This fast-growing business manufactures a wide array of home furnishings and cabinetry for kitchens and baths. Distribution channels include National Furniture Partnerships, Direct to Consumer sales, Retail Sales, and Regional Wholesale Furniture Partnerships focused on the Northeast. They have achieved...
Annual Revenue: $89,170,000
Net Cash Flow: $11,448,000
This business has an accepted offer. Please view our manufacturing businesses for sale, and if you are interested in one of the listings, please fill out our online NDA for a listing that is of interest. The company was founded...
Manufacturer of Structural Components Business – Has Accepted Offer
Bristol County, Massachusetts
Annual Revenue: $3,174,022
Net Cash Flow: $591,241
This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Manufacturing Companies for sale. Established in 1989, this engineering and manufacturing company specializes in structural components for the building industry. Specifically, they produce or supply roof trusses, floor trusses, I-joist,...
Annual Revenue: $4,000,000
Net Cash Flow: $2,000,000
This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Manufacturing Companies for sale. The business was launched over 30 years ago after the owners identified a need for specialty components serving numerous specialty industries. The Company has developed strong,...
Annual Revenue: $10,100,000
Net Cash Flow: $915,000
The company has been sold. Please view our other manufacturing businesses for sale. Trailer Manufacturing Facility Company also includes real estate: (127,000 sq. ft.) on 45 Acres + Retail Store and repair shop in Arizona + Branded Name. Over 30...
Annual Revenue: $2,307,000
Net Cash Flow: $584,600
This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale. Semi-Absentee – Specialty Manufacturer & Distributor of Glass & Metal Products for the residential and commercial trades. Products are sold to Contractors and are manufactured to client specifications per...
Annual Revenue: $2,100,000
Net Cash Flow: $750,000
This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale. The tool and die manufacturing company has been family-owned for several generations and is the industry leader in the consumer market it serves. The business offers significant growth potential for...
Annual Revenue: $2,490,000
Net Cash Flow: $700,000
This business has been sold. Please contact us to sell your manufacturing business in Mississippi or anywhere else in the US. If you are interested in buying a manufacturing business, please view our manufacturing companies for sale. The world’s premium...
Annual Revenue: $3,815,000
Net Cash Flow: $715,000
This business has been sold. Please view our machine shops for sale or contact us if you want to sell your machine shop. This internet-oriented CNC manufacturer is a leading online contract manufacturing facility providing custom mechanical parts for business...
Annual Revenue: $2,800,000
Net Cash Flow: $927,000
This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale. The company is a fast-growing, leading manufacturer of highly affordable packaging machines suitable for small-scale production of pharmaceutical, medical marijuana, food, chemical testing, health and beauty aid products as...
Annual Revenue: $1,450,000
Net Cash Flow: $500,000
This business has been sold. If you would like to sell your pet supply business in Indiana or any other state, please contact us. If you are interested in buying a manufacturing business, please view our manufacturing businesses for sale....
Contract Packaging Company with repeat customers – Sold
Allentown Area (Northampton County), Pennsylvania
This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale. A well-established Contract Packaging Company, providing turn-key packaging solutions focused on flexible liquid pouches for the cosmetic and personal care industry consumer products, is available for acquisition. The business...
Annual Revenue: $856,652
This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale. They are a successful family-owned company in the lampshade manufacturing Industry. They have been in business for over 70 years and are strictly a B2B sales model. Most of...
Mergers & Acquisitions for Consumer Products Manufacturing Companies
The Consumer Products Industry is very large, with a diverse range of companies. This creates opportunities for mergers and acquisitions that can allow companies to unlock synergies between companies with different areas of expertise. There are M&A opportunities for different types of consumer products manufacturing companies including:
- Food & Beverage Manufacturers
- Home Furnishing Companies
- Automotive Businesses
- Distributors of Consumer Products
- Parts & Components Manufacturers
- Swimming Pools & Spas
- Retail Products
- Clothing
- Cosmetics
- Pet Related Products
- Home Improvement Supplies
- Direct to Consumer Companies
- Sports & Recreational Products
- and more
We have a diverse group of buyers and sellers for consumer product manufacturing companies. Our job is to introduce the right buyers to acquire a specific company. We'll work with the buyer and seller to understand whether there is a good fit in terms of expectations, pricing, and terms and conditions. If so, we'll work with you every step of the way.
If you want to sell a consumer products manufacturer, we offer a confidential consultation. There is no fee for our services until your company is sold, and we provide a confidential sales process.
Synergy Business Brokers has years of experience. Call today at (888) 750-5950 or fill out our contact form.