Absentee Owner Businesses For Sale
If you want to buy an absentee owner business, please view our Companies for Sale below. We get paid by the seller when the business is sold. So there is no fee to the buyer for our services.
All of our clients want to maintain the confidentiality of the sale of their business. We provide an overview of each company below. To get the specific details, please fill out our online NDA on the business that you are interested in. On the online NDA, we also request that you provide some information on your background and financial qualifications so that we make sure that you are qualified to purchase a specific business.
Annual Revenue: $32,700,000
Net Cash Flow: $7,275,000
The owner is retiring and has multiple companies. He maintains the accounting and operational oversight, but his experienced management team has day-to-day autonomy. Key management in place makes this an easier transition for a new owner. The company can handle...
Physical Therapy and Internal Medical Practice for sale – Part time owner
Health Care
Queens/Long Island, New York
Annual Revenue: $1,600,000
Net Cash Flow: $768,421
An opportunity to acquire a busy, diversified medical practice, offering internal medicine and physical therapy, highlighting physical medicine and rehab in conjunction with traditional internal medicine. The asking price includes 2 locations, both fully staffed with 10-12 employees combined. Option...
Renowned Bootstrapped Fitness Company – Has Accepted Offer
Services, Fitness
United Arab Emirates, Asia
Annual Revenue: $9,504,291
Net Cash Flow: $3,162,565
This business has an accepted offer. Please view our other Services Companies for sale. Established, multi-division fitness company based in the UAE boasts impressive organic growth, fueled by a debt-free model and partnerships with prominent government and international hotel entities....
Annual Revenue: $4,550,000
Net Cash Flow: $1,121,160
The company has been sold. Please view our other mental healthcare businesses for sale and contact us if you would like to sell your mental or behavioral healthcare business. Accredited by CARF and licensed by the CT Department of Health...
Annual Revenue: $2,307,000
Net Cash Flow: $584,600
This company has been sold, view our manufacturing businesses for sale. Semi-Absentee – Specialty Manufacturer & Distributor of Glass & Metal Products for the residential and commercial trades. Products are sold to Contractors and are manufactured to client specifications per...
Annual Revenue: $2,100,000
Net Cash Flow: $600,000
This business has been sold. Please view our other home services and commercial services companies for sale. And, you can also view all of our Businesses for sale. If you are interested in selling your home services company please contact us...
Annual Revenue: $1,025,000
Net Cash Flow: $210,000
This business has been sold. Please view our other Powder Coating Businesses for sale and our Manufacturing Companies for sale. Contact us if you would like to sell your powder coating business. Established in the 90s, this profitable business has...
Annual Revenue: $3,050,000
Net Cash Flow: $401,000
The company has been sold, view our other cleaning businesses for sale and our other general businesses for sale. If you’re looking for a profitable business run semi-absentee with reoccurring revenue, in the commercial cleaning space, well then you found...
Pet Supply Business – Ecommerce, Retail & Distribution – Sold
Litchfield County, Connecticut
Annual Revenue: $3,377,253
Net Cash Flow: $538,627
The company has been sold. Please view our other distribution businesses for sale. First time offered for sale – after 20 years of business, the seller is ready to retire. This niche retailer of pet supplies operates out of retail...
Annual Revenue: $6,425,000
Net Cash Flow: $550,000
This business has been sold. Please view our other Construction Businesses for sale. Contact us if you would like to sell a Building Inspection and Materials Testing Business in New York or anywhere in the Eastern US. Leading Construction Testing...
Annual Revenue: $2,371,950
Net Cash Flow: $394,752
This business has been sold. Please view our other Real Estate Businesses for sale and other Services Companies for sale. Contact us if you would like to sell your real estate business. Very rare opportunity to purchase a highly profitable...
This company has been sold view our transportation businesses for sale and our absentee-owned companies for sale. Non-Emergency Medical Transportation service provider for clients located in western Massachusetts. This company provides non-emergency medical transportation for clients to and from medical...
Buying an absentee owner business
Absentee-owner businesses are desirable for potential business buyers. Some are fully absentee-owned, and some of the owners work part-time but don't necessarily need to be at the business. In some cases, the owner does the books or some other job that they like to do or feel the need to do. The attraction for buyers is that they can buy the business as an investment and still continue to do what they are doing full-time.
Sell an absentee owned company
If you would like to sell an absentee-owned company, please contact us for a confidential consultation. There is no fee for our services until your company is sold, and we provide a confidential sales process. We have thousands of buyers for absentee-owned companies.
Synergy Business Brokers has years of experience. Call today at (888) 750-5950 or fill out our contact form.