If you are considering selling your company, you want to make the right decision about who represents you. Synergy Business Brokers is one of the top-rated business brokers in the United States. We are also one of the most recommended Business Brokerage Firms in the US. We get many of our clients from referrals from previous clients, attorneys, bankers, and accountants. You can view some of our video testimonials from people who have worked with us.
We sell companies with annual revenues of $700,000 to $250 Million in technology, construction, manufacturing, healthcare, services, distribution, engineering, education, and transportation. Our first step is an initial consultation, where we find out more about your business. Since we work on a commission-only basis, we are selective in only taking on assignments that we feel confident that we can sell, and we’ll let you know if we think we are the best business brokerage for you.
For a Confidential Consultation, please fill out our online form.
We sell companies throughout America and have potential buyers in the industries that we serve in every state in the US. We have sold or are in the process of selling businesses in the following states: NY, MA, NJ, CT, PA, MD, TX, NH, NM, LA, OH, CA, OK, FL, TN, AZ, VA, MI, NC, SC, KY, KS, ME, AL, IL, IN, IA, MS, and more.
To give you an idea of a possible selling price, we’ll review your last three years’ tax returns and a current year-to-date profit and loss statement. We’ll also collaborate with you to understand growth opportunities for the business and find out about your customers, products/services, and employees. Then, we’ll compare this to what similar companies have sold for. Our commission is a percentage of the sale price, so we’ll try to maximize your company’s value by positioning it correctly and marketing it through many channels.
We’ll develop an overview document about your business designed to attract potential buyers without providing the identity or exact location of the Company. We’ll have buyers sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and provide financial qualifications before submitting the details to them. Almost all of our clients don’t want their customers, employees, and competitors to know that they are selling their business.
Synergy Business Brokers has won multiple awards for being the #1 ranked business broker.
We sell companies in the Northeast, the Mid-Atlantic, the South, the Midwest, and most locations throughout the US and worldwide. For a confidential consultation, you can call (888) 750-5950 or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.