Contractor Businesses for Sale
Synergy Business Brokers has contractor companies for sale. If you are interested in buying a contractor business for sale please view our current: Contractor Businesses for Sale.
Our contractors for sale category includes:
- Landscape Businesses for sale
- Snow Removal Companies for sale
- Lot & Road Sweeping Businesses for sale
- Home Inspection Companies for sale
- Environmental Consulting Companies for sale
- Radon Detection businesses for sale
- Machine Shops for sale
- Home Improvement companies for sale
- Closet & Storage companies
- Metal Working companies
- Kitchen & Bath businesses
- Tank Removal & Installation
- Insulation Businesses
- Maintenance & Repair Businesses for sale
- and more
If one of our businesses for sale is of interest, please fill out our electronic Non-Disclosure Agreement on the listing that you are interested in for more information.
Experienced Contractor Business Brokers
Synergy Business Brokers has been selling contractor businesses with annual revenues of $700,000 to $40 Million, since 2002. We always have buyers and sellers for contractor businesses. The work comes in matching up the right buyer with the right seller at terms that work for both parties. To do this we market the business confidentially and speak with a number of potential buyers and sellers in order to get the right fit. It's a process that unfolds over time.
The seller will typically stay on after the sale to help the new buyer to learn the details of their business including their customers, employees, skills, pricing, and suppliers. The best fit is when the buyer and seller get along well. When you enjoy the buy and sell process it usually leads to a better relationship after the sale as well. Sometimes the seller has stayed on for many years and it's worked well for both parties because the seller gets to work part-time and transition into retirement and the buyer gets the years of experience that the owner has built up over the years. In other cases, the buyer has worked in the same specialty and doesn't need a long transition period.
Mergers & Acquisition firm for the Contractor Industry
We have extensive experience in advising companies in the M&A process. The best candidates for acquiring a particular business in the contractor industry is a company that can leverage the acquired companies customers, employees, skills, and reputation. Sometimes it is a complementary company that adds a new skill. Other times it is a company that is expanding into a new geography with an acquisition. Or it may a private equity group that is combining multiple contractor companies to leverage the skills of the combined companies. You can review our Contractor Businesses for sale over time and hopefully, we will have the right company for you to acquire.
Selling a Contracting Company
If you own a successful contractor business we offer a confidential consultation to learn more about your business and provide you with a potential asking price. To get started, please fill out our Confidential Information Form or email us at [email protected]. The contractor industry continues to expand and we have potential buyers for a variety of contractor businesses. We have Senior M&A Brokers in NY, NJ, MA, and CT, and sell contractor and construction companies throughout the US. There is no fee until your company is sold. For more about us you can visit: Overview. Call us today at (888) 750-5950.